Dragon's Nest – сайт о драконах и для драконов

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Гнездо драконов — сайт о драконах и для драконов


«А если змею ударить по голове, она уж впоследствии драконом не станет»
Мирза Каландар Мушриф Исфараги «Шах-Наме (Tapиx-и Oмap-Xaни)»

Don McLean «Flight of Dragons»

MP3 (2,9 Mb)
Flight of dragons soar in the purple light
In the sky or in my mind
Flight of dragons sail past reality
Leave illusion behind

Is it the past I see
When I look up to the heavens
Believing in the magic
That I know could never be

I want to go where they are going
Into the world they've been
Can I open up my mind enough to see

Flight of dragons, heavenly argosies
Catch the wind, rise out of sight
Flight of dragons, pilots of fantasy
In the sky or in my mind

Flight of dragons
Flight of dragons