Dragon's Nest – сайт о драконах и для драконов

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Гнездо драконов — сайт о драконах и для драконов


«Если же в битве жена одолеет когда-либо мужа <…>,
Скажет тогда кто-нибудь из грядущих потомков [аргосских]:
«Страшный в извивах дракон погиб, копием прободенный»».
Геродот. «История»

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Insania «Beware Of The Dragons»

A long time ago, when dragons and humans ruled side by side. The links were so strong, time just went on with no hate – no lies. No evil, no pain. No power no throne. But there was a man insane who claimed to rule alone. He gave us no choice, No freedom or peace. He gave us reality with painful memories. The time just went on, our lives turned out wrong. Cause no one could see: this man just changed our destiny, – beware of the dragons! Dragons in anger and dragons in pain brought us fear again...

Изменен: 29.02.2012
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